Monday 13 January 2014

Does travelling change you?

I was sitting in a cafe in Cairns with my little brother and my dad a few weeks ago. Our mouths had dropped to the floor as we shockingly couldn't believe what our dad had just told us.
My brother and I live together with my best friend, and every few months we will visit dad, go to Brisbane to where he lives and spend time with him but this time we decided to spend Christmas with each other up in Cairns.
*Conversations a few months back on the phone
Dad: I have so much to tell you about my trip.
Me: Well just tell me now
Dad: This will have to wait when I see you and Rolf in person.

I didn't know then that his story would be causing me to nearly choke on my wine whilst nearly falling backwards from my chair and causing a scene.
The type of person my dad is, is a typical European man. That's a bit of a broad statement. Let me rephrase. My dad does not get out much. Why? Because he is a work-a-holic. He works day in and day out, even on Sundays. When his mother had recently had a mini stroke, it triggered him to go and visit her in Munich. I was more than happy for him to travel, I was over- the moon for him but seeing his mother and spending two weeks with her, I was a little worried it would give him a mini stroke but nether the less, he went for 2 weeks and it had literally changed him.

As my brother and I got to the airport in Cairns, we see our father from a far. As soon as he saw us, he got up from his seat, not walked but RAN up to us and gave us the most biggest hug in the world. Was not expecting that.

I bet your waiting to hear what the story was? Well remember how I told you, that if my dad went to Munich to visit his mother, it would probably cause him to go a little crazy? Let's just say, because of this he spent the days with her and the nights he would venture out on his own.

It was during Oktoberfest my dad was travelling. I was so proud to hear he was going out and meeting people (which my dad never does.) I would be flicking through photos and each photo he had a story of each individual or couple, young or old- and each story he would get more excited and happy about, I could hear it in his voice.
His second last night, was like a wake up call or triggered something in him. As my dad was dancing up on the tables (take a moment to picture a 55year old man dancing on a table in front of 100s of people) he must've twisted weirdly he said and all of the sudden he had fallen on the floor and in the process completely punched a girl in the face. The lady started yelling at him: "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THAT, I AM GOING TO TELL THE POLICE." Next minute my dad is "arrested" by these guards, hand cuffed and taken to the police station. He said he had never lost his temper so much in his life. From 8pm till midnight they kept him in. "I had said some pretty horrific stuff." "I want a lawyer, you can't lock me up, I haven't been drinking much."
Apparently, in Europe, you can get so called arrested for being drunk and disordelly but their a different type of police, more like security, therefore you can't get release off bail or get a lawyer.
Now before you all go judging, my dad would never hurt a fly!! He doesn't beat up women or anything. But this night, or infact this incident and trip had changed him.

As much as he had a shocking night, it was dangerous, thrilling, exciting and out of his comfort zone. He realised for so many years how uptight and tunnel-visioned he got from work. My dad and I were never close when I was growing up but I am finding that I am becoming closer to him now than ever.
I believe travelling changed him. Made him appreciate what he has at home and realised that he was refreshed, needed a new start and was more inspired to do stuff out of the ordinary.
Don't believe me?
I called my dad the other day and he answered the phone with: "Hello my favourite daughter."
Me: Oh.. umm hi dad.. what are you doing?
Dad: I am just in the middle of kickboxing, can I call you back?

Dad: So I met a lady on the plane today.
Me: Serious! Wow that's so exciting dad, did you get her number?
Dad: I did, I want to take her on a date, not sure where though

I believe travelling does change you. I used to not have a relationship with my dad, in-fact, it was only 2 years ago we slowly started to connect, due to different reasons. Now I can admit for the first time how much i appreciate and love my dad. I am not trying to say you should force your parents to travel, visit strip joints, smoke weed and go nuts and YOLO it up.
I am merely saying this: If you have been wanting to do something for a while and you've always had an excuse, or have been afraid, just take that step and do it. Sometimes the answer is in front of you, but we are blinded by the ritual of everyday life. Work, Social life, Work... work.. So just get out there and do something out of the ordinary. It could bring out something in you, you didn't think you had.

Tam xx

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