Thursday 23 January 2014

My 'WTF' moment that nearly bit me in the ass

For those who don't know me very well, If i was to count how many WTF moments I had last year, I could seriously write a book on it, with a title screaming: 'Tam's WTF moments of 2013' or 'WTF' Just Happened?'
My stories, or 'sticky situations' sometimes funny or rather random, has become a pattern that now everytime I go into my room mates room, and say: 'Holly... I have to tell you something.." She instantly gives me a look of, what did you do now Tam.. Or even when I say to her: "Holly, I think 'so and so', is going to be here tonight." She'll look at me and go, "that is highly unlikely that, THAT person would be at the SAME vicinity as you!" Lo and behold- that person is awkwardly at the same vicinity as me, of all places.
As of this year, 2014, I have already had my fair share of.. WHAT the 'F##$%^&(!&@$' just happened? moments. My beautiful friend Ash, has now started calling me every morning to ask for a 24 hour update on what has occurred in my life. Truth be told, I may just be attracting these situations, mind you, not all are bad, most of them are just funny and just completely unexpected, but as my mum has told me since I was young, "You just seem to always be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The story I am going to tell you today, happened a few days ago. A story that has taught me SO much, that I am still shocked at how I behaved. If you never believed in karma, well maybe after this story YOU WILL.

Everyone knows that in a nutshell, I am a pretty nice person. It's one of my great strengths but also a lot of people take advantage on it. I've always believed if you do something nice for someone, or give back to the world, you will always be happy and life will always reward you. Everyone also knows that I am big on social media. Wow I admitted to that, which apparently I am slightly addicted to, but thats not the point. I post quotes, pictures, articles, blogs and my daily activity quite regularly in a day, as It's what I do and I know that, as a performer, I have something going on all the time and I want to share that with my followers. Simple as that.
I have rarely EVER written something negative on my status, or can recall the last time I posted a complaint or wrote something bad about someone. Though, I do post random situations I am in, or will post something rather funny as I think I am quite the comedian. (not really)
Last Friday, I posted a status about an encounter I had with someone in the lift, I won't quote word for word what I wrote, but it went a long the lines of: 'Stuck in lift, with a lesbian, who left a note a few years ago on my car window saying if I liked girls to call this number.' At the time, I thought It was just a joke, I had taken a simple situation that occured in my life and posted it for everyone to see. Not a big deal right? WRONG
The following week, I was going to Yoga and as I was about to get into the lift, the lady I had posted the status about, was in the lift going down, with a big muscley guy. You can imagine what happened next. Or what I thought was going to happen next. I am not going to pretend that I wasn't scared, but I was. I instantly felt guilt run through my body and I instantly knew something was about to bite me in the ass. Long story cut short, she found out what I had posted on FB, it all traced back to me, she was told that she should sue me for Defamation and also told me, she isn't a lesbian and that the guy she was with is her husband.
I am just going to give you a moment to just take this all in. As you can imagine HOW PATHETIC and BAD i felt... here you go....

I admitted to everything, I was honest and upfront, told her what I said and why I said it. The fact of the matter is: My intention was not to put someone down, but I did, that day. I made a joke publicly. I judged a book by its cover and the universe said: "Hey Tam, that was a bit out of character of you, no worries we are going to teach you a lesson." It truly did. I apologised PROFUSELY.
Can you see what the lesson was here? I see a few lessons:
1. Don't ever talk bad about someone on social media, OR EVER IN LIFE.
2. Don't judge a book by its cover
3. BE HONEST no matter if it is going to make you look bad, the fact that I told her the truth, probably made the situation better.
4. You know that quote you see where it says: "Be kind to everyone, For everyone is fighting a hard battle." (Enough said)
5. Your life doesn't have to always be shared to the world.

At the end of the day, I can't dwell on my mistakes, but I can learn from it, and move forward. A nice person like me, who decides to go out of character for that split second for attention, will never go down well. Has that ever happened to you, when you've done something and Karma teaches you a lesson?
I am quite grateful at as it could've been worse. Sure my dignity has gone out the window and I am now constantly going to be nervous getting into my lift in my apartment building, however whats done is done, hopefully one day we can all laugh about it and get along.
So as advice from me, BE NICE TO EVERYONE. Not shitting you, as Bob Marley has quoted: Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold."
Don't do something just for attention, or to make someone laugh, by putting people down, you're better than that. Seriously...

Tam xx

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