
"The fact is, sometimes it’s hard to walk in a single women’s shoes. That’s why we need really special ones now and then - to make the walk a little more fun" - Carrie Bradshaw, Sex & The City

I have come to the conclusion that I may have a slight problem. Though I also believe that even though this problem may have lowered my savings account I always try and justify that for every money I have spent on them. I have always backed it up with the sheer fact that it makes me ever so happy and I feel bloody amazing.. as well as it's my therapy.
Yes ladies and gentlemen.. well mainly my ladies, I am addicted to shoes. I don't necessarily look at it as a bad thing, everytime I bought a pair of shoes, it was because I needed to feel good at the time, or something had happened in my life, or I was in a different country and I needed a souvenir.

Downtown L.A

Sneaker store in L.A
I remember when I went to one of the biggest sneakers store in LA. I was doing a dance workshop there for 2 weeks. I walked into this HUGE shop with every latest kicks you could think of.
The smell of new shoes would just hit you, and the place was decked out with graffiti art on the wall, there was a basketball hoop and scattered in the whole shop were time-zone like games.
I was in H - E - A - V - E - N. I had to buy 2 kicks purely because I had the best time in L.A, hung out with some pretty talented people and also because they were so much more cheaper.
One of the shoes I bought in L.A

I would buy shoes when I had a successful week with dancing, Or when I even failed at an audition. Even when I had been pulled over by the police, had my car defected, towed, resulting to a whopping $2000 car expense and fines later... I walked into the Nike shop and bought myself a pair of fresh white leopard print Nike running shoe. $120 later.
The shoes I bought after my horrific week with my car.
 I decided to calculate and add up how much I have spent on my shoe fetish (this is the total of the shoes I have of present day, not including the ones I have chucked out.)
Adding up my collection of shoes which range from dancing shoes, Nike shoes, Reebok, Converse shoes, Jeffery Campbell shoes, Doc Martens, Adidas.. I wont go on. Has costed me.. drum roll please.
$5000. In total.
*mouth drops to the ground.
I could've had a trip to Brazil but no. I have an 'almost-like' Carrie Bradshaw shoe collection.
Sadly not the closest, I have two huge shoe racks in my tiny little vintage room, which you should've seen my face when one of my shoe racks collapsed in the middle of the night. Not nearly as funny when I attempted to re-build one.

I then decided to google: 'Why are women addicted to shoes?' It's fascinating how shoes are something that can represent ones identity. Heighten ones primitive instincts and even increase adrenalin for some women. It all comes down to one thing:
We feel some-what exotic as well as it instantly makes us happy.
It defines us.

So should we always spend our wages on something that makes us feel good? YES
Am I slightly going a little overboard on my addiction? YES
Am I harming anyone in the process? NO
Should you buy me a pair of shoes for my next birthday? YES

My point is, do what you want, if your excited and in love with something as simple as a pair of shoes that will change your mood in a heart beat, then go for it. Screw what anyone else says. Stop thinking of the 'but what if this effects..' Just stop right there.

If the shoe fits and your size is there, its a sign.

Buy the shoes.
Be happy :)


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