
About 3 months ago due to stress, anxiety and over doing it with work, I became really, really sick. Antibiotics after antibiotics, I was constantly at the doctors, getting blood tests done, more prescriptions. It was RIDICULOUS. My eating habits changed, I was less hungry and my training stopped and my excuse was "I was too sick."

Through other friends I met this guy, who now is my mentor and coach and I told him I wanted to get back on track with my diet and my fitness.

I explained to him what I was eating at the moment. In my head I had a clear idea on what was healthy and what was not. I was going to the gym about 5-6times a day YET i still consumed stubborn fats, i wasn't feeling toned and my health was just all over the shop.

He ran me through nutritionally what I had to do to change my eating habits and become a healthier human being and what types of training I should be doing and within a week my body had changed dramatically.

There were all these new things I had never really known and it was all these slight adjustments I had made that changed my whole body and health completely.
Little things like:
Water intake
Having the right balance of all my macros- protein, fats and carbs.
Not drinking alcohol
All the vitamin supplements that were good and bad for me
And how my GREEN veggies were so important.

I started to become healthier, I wasn't sick, I was able to not over-do myself at the gym and go with my crazy schedule at least 3-4 times a week.
I hardly drink coffee now too and I just feel so much more happier.

My last weigh in I had GAINED weight- but lost body fat and my muscles were looking more lean, whereas prior to this, I weighed less but looked heavier.

My body fat % check was last time 16% DOWN from 24%
My next weigh in will be in the next few weeks- very excited to see my results.

I encourage everyone to really get a hold of this guy as he changed my life and has opened up my eyes to the world of fitness, healthy eating and ones well-being.

Pictures below of my results :)

Tam xx

My first week to my third week of my meal plan

4th Week progess

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