Monday 30 December 2013

My last blog for 2013

Bring on 2014
I have been pondering about my next blog for a good couple of days. It's the end of 2013. I even had Stewy", my boss ask me: "So when's the next blog due and what is it going to be about?" (as i write the blogs for the gym I work for) I responded: 'Oh too many ideas and thoughts, I don't know what to pick."
LIES- I was having a bloggers BLANK.

The 31st of December and unfortunately I am going to be the 1 MILLIONTH person who will say: "Wow where has this year gone?" There I said it. Every friken bloody person I speak to has said: 'I can't believe how fast this year has gone, where did it go?' I have wanted to throw a shoe at each person who has said that, or put a dollar in a jar for every time someone had said that to me. Now I am being a hypocrite as I am sitting at Box HQ front desk, struggling what to blog about for the last day of 2013, and THAT is all I can come up with.
As I slowly face reality, at 6:37am, watching everyone dawdle in to do their last EVER workout for 2013, I seriously take a moment and think back on the year I have had and by a moment, it was a good solid 5minutes before i  realised I was staring at a member very awkwardly.
I think back to what I was thinking or where I was for the last 3 years. I dare you to try it. What were you doing this time last year, or the year before that, even go back further. Can you remember? Sadly my memory is a bit blurred, but I thought, wouldn't it be interesting, If I could find any documented diary entries, a few years ago and see what I had been doing and If I had written any New Years Resolutions.
I found a few of my old diaries dating back to 2011. Yes I am openly admitting I write very regularly in my diary. It is very therapeutic, helps with my crazy thoughts but has also given me a passion for writing and blogging. Today is your lucky day, as I am going to show you raw images of some of the diary entries I did at the end of each year.
I decided to do this, as I was watching Channel 7 morning show and they had a segment of the typical 'New Years Resolution' that most people have.
  • Lose weight
  • Find Love
  • Be Happy
  • Career Change
  • Make money
  • Make babies
  • Don't make babies
  • Quit Smoking
They stated or argued that, those who have similar goals and New years Resolutions, don't in-fact end up sticking to them or even remembering them. Now before you chuck a hissy fit and decide 'Well what's the point on having a goal if you don't stick to it.?' Very good point you make and let me give you the answer. Rather than having such a wide, typical goal, the trick is to be more specific. An example is, one of my goals are to focus on natural remedies (yoga and meditation) and get off any medication I am on. Yep deep and very specific but that's what you want to channel. Another corny yet so beneficial and inspiring way of reaching your goals, is a vision board. I read a fantastic book recently called 'The Winner's Bible' By Dr Kerry Spackman- highly recommend it! So useful. It teaches you how to become elite athletes and business people to permanently rewire your brain and transform your life. It shows you how to mind map and how to create your very own vision board as well as teaching you human behaviours, why we do things the way we do, based on our pasts, family history by how we have been brought up. IMG_4493
Anyway I don't always have much time to read, but that was one book that taught me so much about how important it is for me to visualise my goals. I learnt so much about myself, how I am a visual learner, (everyone has a way of learning or picking up information) how to supercharge myself, through hard times and being able to recognise the people I wanted to surround myself with who that brought the best out of me. One of the places or community that did this was this gym- Box HQ.
I wanted my last blog to really be raw and truthful. I wanted to let you into my life, in hope I have somewhat touched you, or mdee you re-visit a part of you, that you may have avoided or thought there is something you really wanted to work on next year but you didn't know how or where to start- or you just simply needed a sign.
Whether 2013, was a good year or not, or there were moments in it, where you wished you approached a situation differently, or you never got to do the things you've always wanted to do. This is me telling you NOW at 6:50am to let everything that has happened this year, GO- to accept how this year has ended for you, to be grateful, content and also proud of how far you have come this year. Now simply ask yourself: What will 2014, bring for you?


I cringe when people say- "2013 is my YEAR." true BUT shouldn't every year be YOUR year? Or should you aim higher? Do you look back on each year and say: 'Yeah that was my year.' I personally try to look at each year, as being better than the year before. Whether I do that or not, is up to you to decide when you see below my little diary entries I did, or goals I reached for.
This is my last diary entry for 2013. I cannot wait, to see what 2014 brings for me and for Box HQ :)

I wish you all an amazing NYE, love you all to bits.
   Tam xx

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