Sunday 8 December 2013

Natasha Darling's Story.

Natasha Darling's Story.

It was about two weeks ago, I was hanging out with a close friend of mine and we started talking about meditation. I had been specifically told by my massage therapist that I really should get into meditation because he could sense that I was the type of person who had a lot on my mind and was constantly running around doing a million and one things.  I would then come home and try to go to sleep and it would take me HOURS to get to bed. My friend would also tell me that he believed that natural remedy is the best form of medicine and it can cure sickness, anxiety, stress and anyone who has a busy hectic lifestyle, with sleeping problems, such as myself.

I kept thinking to myself; "Yeah yeah, I've heard it all before and I honestly thought it was a load of bulls****." I kept brushing it off.. UNTIL I was on set for Australia's Got Talent, Tommy Franklin's video clip and I met Natasha Darling.
Before you guys read this interview I did on her, I just have to point out that everything that I had spoken about meditation with my friend and my massage therapist, to then meeting someone who had battled a disease and survived BECAUSE of meditation, truly says to me that the universe had brought me to someone like her. It is amazing how people cross paths in our lives, how there is a purpose behind everything and how we connect the dots to give us answers to things we have been searching for, or even that significant sign that is telling us something. I have now seen it all. I really hope you enjoy this story because it brought tears to my eyes.
Love Tam xx

I met this amazing woman on the Tommy Franklin shoot. I really wanted to share her story to you all as she is one of few people who have lived to tell a miracle of a story.
Natasha is a spiritualist, an artist, dreamer and a creator. She pulls off short pink hair, her fashion represents a raw individual chick who rocks out crystal jewellery that she wears close to her heart which symbolises a positive aura that you sense as soon as you meet her. This year she went on a rollercoaster of a journey, with an illness she had to battle. She survived this, through the power of meditation and the power of her mind. Here is her story.

Tam: Tell us your career journey you have gone through, what are you passions and dreams.

Natasha: I guess I have always been very creative and kind of fell into fashion originally. I worked as a Stylist and it naturally eventuated into also working as a Creative Director on editorials and other projects. I have many passions but communicating creative concepts in visual ways is always really satisfying.  I quit fashion 2 years ago with the intention to be a painter/artist. I felt after doing fashion overseas and here I had reached a point where I felt I was complete in that arena and wanted to explore some of my own ideas for my own personal projects.  That's the thing about art, it's very personal and your not trying to sell anything, versus fashion where it's highly creative but it's a form of advertising which is totally fine, though I wanted to bare my self and truly express my own point of view.

Tam: Was there challenges faced for you

Natasha: Yes, life is full of challenges and I have always done my best to welcome the wisdom that comes from them. When I did styling it was always obviously a lot of work and the challenge was trying to balance my health with that industry. It is pretty difficult to work in that world and stay balanced, it's so fast paced and intense.  There were obviously many mini challenges along the way but I take pride in finding solutions not dwelling on problems so past is past, I have overcome them and am a better person because of it.

Tam: You recently overcame a near death experience, explain what you went through?

Natasha: Well, I have suffered from an autoimmune disease for some time and beginning of this year I started to get sick with what's called a 'flare' though this one just got completely out of control and I was incredibly sick and was hospitalised.  I was told I could die any time, I had such high inflammation in the body it was very dangerous.  A normal persons CRP rate is under 5, mine in hospital was 148! I was put on steroids to suppress my immune system, though I wholeheartedly practiced meditation to Tibetan music that night and I focused intently on what number I wanted my CRP rate to be, miraculously I was able to bring it down, in 4 days I had brought it down to 20.  Doctors couldn't believe it, they're explanation was the steroids because I had never had them before, though they had never seen someone drop so quickly. After leaving hospital I soon realised my weight was down to a frightening 44kg.  I had barely been able to eat much in a month and was very frail. I had to work with diet, meditation and affirmations to get my system working again. Not before I went down to 36kg though, I then found this diet that truly helped me which was called 'specific carbohydrates diet'. After slowly putting on weight I started to see all my hair fall out, I ended up going fairly bald so I shaved my head and saw it as another part of the journey to overcome. My body had just been through so much I just had to surrender to the higher purpose. I have do e really well recovering but still hiccups along the way, it's a huge thing to come back from so feel it will take time to truly feel like I am out of it, but I trust in the universe, it is obviously a part of my path!

Natasha sitting at 40kg

Tam: what was the hardest part about it

Natasha: I think the hardest part was other people not understanding how hard it is to have a chronic illness, to have to take things in baby steps or much smaller! I feel people I knew saw it from the outside but on the inside it is just so challenging for all those around me. My family and closest friends had to really see me so weak and not my usual self and having people do everything for me wasn't easy either. At one stage reality hit when I couldn't even pick up my own laptop, I was too weak! So I stayed positive but you really mentally get challenged when you are in pain 24/7. I sometimes wonder how I got through it, though we can only do our best and those around us as well!

Tam: With everything you went through, how did you know that meditating and the power of the mind would save you?

Natasha: I had nothing to loose really, the doctors told me I would die, I couldn't sleep because if the pain and i guess you just click into survival mode and try it.  I had always done meditation and visualisation when I felt it, so it wasn't completely foreign to me. Though I also wanted to prove to the doctors that I had the power, so much of the time they can make you feel so helpless, so belittled! So I felt I needed to focus and show them I was a unique example of someone who was truly actively involved in the healing process.

Tam: I saw the dramatic changes you had on your body with the photos on Instagram, but I also loved how you still looked at it all as a life-changing moment to tell your story to others, has it had a huge impact for other people?

Natasha: I love sharing my story because it brings awareness to autoimmune diseases that so many suffer, I also share it because it shows people the power of self, with focus, persistence and positive thinking, I feel you can achieve anything. It has had a deep impact on people I have told, I get the feeling that they are humbled by how limitless we are as Human Beings. I think we get caught in our worlds and forget our greatness, our possibility, our uniqueness.  Hopefully my story reminds people the power of hope and when applied, miracles can happen!

Look at that transformation- Natasha had set her mind and decided to change her life. WONDER WOMAN
Tam: Did it change your outlook on life? Did you see yourself change?

Natasha: I was always a very spiritual person in many ways, I had suffered from depression when I was younger and when I overcame that I think I had this deeper desire to change the world and help people. Through this experience though it definitely showed me my strength, I had to surrender completely and while it wasn't comfortable, I somehow hung in there, so now I feel more expansive, like I can do even more than I ever imagined. This experience has also allowed me to reach more people, and more people reach me on social media platforms, as I shared all of my journey on Facebook and Instagram. I also see the incredible power of community in any difficult situation, that impacted me a lot!

Tam: Were you always into art? What inspired you to paint

Natasha: I was always an artist yes, I have loved art since I was born but changing from fashion to art was a bit scary, it seemed weird to have a career as an artist but deep down it is what I always dreamed of.  I am inspired by spirituality, my art is about the higher realms and sacred places on earth. I feel I sort of channel them into my works and I have been told my art is very healing. I feel it comes from the energy fields of things I paint. I don't intentionally know what I am painting at the time, though it usually comes after and it all makes sense.

Check out her website:
Tam: How did you meet Tommy Frankin (AGT)

Natasha: I met Tommy in Byron, I had a fairly freshly shaved head and was still a bit fragile after being in bed most of year, it was my second trip to Byron away from home and quite a big deal. My first time dancing in the Beach Hotel, I was still very low energy wise so I danced in a few minute segments. A couple of different people came up to me saying I danced like Tommy, one even said I was a girl version of Tommy lol! I had not watched the show as I was very sick around that time so I actually had no idea who this Tommy fella was?! Later that night I was walking down the stairs out front and I saw a tall bearded man talking to my friends, I slowly made my way there and as I approached, he said 'Your interesting'!!!! I said 'thank you' and introduced myself, he did too and it was quite a funny moment! From then on we really became best friends and Tommy really helped me find myself again. After being a 'sick' person for so long, around Tommy I started to just come out of myself again. It's been a lovely journey ever since.

Tommy and Natasha

Tam: You've just finished a great project you were working on with him and worked with the fashion label One Piece- how did that idea come about?

Natasha: I actually met Tommys good friend Robbie at the Grand Finale of AGT and he was the head producer of the project, we clicked and kept in contact and when I heard about it I offered my experience as producer and Creative Director.  I was excited by the idea of doing film again and I love dance so much, to be surrounded by dancers wearing One Piece, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to be a part of something I had the experience for.  I was so happy to get my best friend of 10 years Jess Hutt on board too, so it felt like one big family.

Tam: What's next?

Natasha: I am writing a book about recovery, I really want to share my story in writing but also through videos and live speaking. I am still perusing my art but I feel this experience can't be wasted, I really want to help those who are going through extreme illness and share many if the tools I had to get through it, including spreading awareness to the diet that helped and continues to help me for people especially with autoimmune diseases!

Tam: What message do you want to send out to the world or people reading this?
Natasha: I really just want to share the message that we are much stronger and powerful than we most of the time realise! The more we love ourselves and stand authentically as who we are, the more we stand in our truth, the deeper we can go and the more people we can connect with. We are truly limitless BEings, when we work together in truth, commUNITY is more powerful than anything! Just love who you are for who you are, embrace YOUR story, everyone's story is valid, everyone is important, the more we share and connect, the more expansive we realise we are. :-)

Love Tam xx

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