Thursday 29 May 2014

My 100 Days of Happiness

My 100 days of Happiness

Towards the end of 2013, I had everything planned out for my new year of 2014. I had everything planned out. I was focused on being successful in my career as a performer, I had auditioned for a school touring company that would have me working a whole year travelling around Australia, performing at different schools. It was down to me and another girl and I was overly confident that I had the role. Sadly the cards weren’t in my favour and the position was given to someone else.

When you plan your life to a tea and life doesn’t go the way you thought it would, well that’s exactly what had happened to me.

My life has always been anything but perfect. I have lived through a lot of experiences, some traumatic and some where I would enjoy sharing everything to all my closest gfs over coffee. If you ever heard of things happening in three’s well that’s exactly what happened to me at the end of 2013.

After not receiving the job I wanted, I had also had my car defected, costing me a whole lot of debt after $3000 of repairs.

Do you think it stopped there? Sadly not, I had then found out that my uncle in Brasil had past away with liver cancer, leaving my mother in bad conditions, finding different types of religion to help her with her grief, whilst my dad had relapsed his gambling addictions.

It had hit me that, 2013 had ended unexpectedly, I have always been a positive, bubbly, happy person. If you ask anyone who knows me, they would always say that I am someone that always lifts up peoples moods, I have a warm, friendly aura and I loved helping others.

 I found myself lost, not knowing what my life had in store for me, I felt like I had no direction in where I wanted to go. I kept asking myself, ‘What do I do now?’ Where do I go from here? I was in a dark, deep place and I didn’t want to talk to anyone about it. I had everything going for me, yet still I found myself feeling low and worse about myself.

I am a visual person. I learn visually, and by displaying things on my wall or on my social media page, instagram and my blog page, I believe that what you think, is what you attract, especially if that image is right in front of you.

2014 had started, I had set my goals, was working hard, had started back my training program and working at the best gym possible. I still had that lost sensation feeling. I found myself flicking through Facebook, when I saw someone post something about: ‘100 days of happiness’ I clicked into the website and the first thing I saw was a bright yellow screen pop up, with the words in big bold black letters, 100 Days of Happiness Challenge! It immediately caught my attention. All it was; was that everyday for 100 days, you had to post a photo of something that makes you happy. It had also said only 29% of the population were able to complete this.

I had found my new challenge. You may think this is easy, but 100 days OF HAPPINESS, can be quite tricky. Especially if you want to get creative with it. Luckily for me, my day to day life, is never dull and I wanted to share with the world, what my 100 days of happiness is like.

Slowly, I had my first photo for my 100 days of happiness. My favourite place- the beach, sunny, sand, water- I was just completely at peace.

Each day was something different. Tricks I had up my sleeves, people I had met, auditions I had attended, people that I had helped and slowly people started to notice what I was doing and other people started to get into it.

You may ask, why was I doing this? What was the point? Without me realising it, but I had started to set myself up each day for a new challenge, to stay positive and find happiness in my life and it was all around. It didn’t mean that I was always a HAPPY person. NO not at all, there were so many moments where I had, had the worst day possible, I had found a lowness in me, then out of nowhere, I would strike up a conversation with someone, or have my students give me a compliment that I was an inspiration, or I had people coming to me for advice, or thank me for just making their day by staying positive. I realised I was starting to impact others around me, without even realising it.

I had learnt, through this experience that, life is never easy. You can go through hell and back, have family problems, money issues, relationship problems, yet there is so much goodness and beauty still around us. The simple things in life can make a difference to not just one individual, but the world.

I had documented my life, through images of one day at a time, which made people learn more about me as a person and also helping me find my way, and finding happiness in my life.

.I think this simple concept, can help so many people. Just because your setting your mind to think positively. It makes you go, ‘Yeah that coffee date with my friend, really uplifted me.’

Or, ‘Work brought me a cake today for working so hard’ small, kind gestures, but to that individual, mean the world to them.

Coming towards the last week of my 100 days of happiness, I had started to think; Wow what am I going to do for my 100th day!?!?!
It had to end with something amazing, I just couldn't think what.
I had previously last year, booked a sky diving experience for myself and my house mate Holly for her birthday. When we got there, the weather was SHOCKING and we since then hadn't been. Coming to May, I rang the place up, booked a date on for the 18th May which fell on a Sunday.
A few days past and it hit me all of the sudden. Hang on a second. I checked my calendar and counted what day my 100th day fell on.

18th May...
The day I booked sky diving.!!! WHAT A CRAZY COINCIDENCE.

I look back on that day, the day was beautiful. I was jumping off a plane on my 100th day. To be honest, when that moment happened, when I finally just let go of everything and let my instructor take control and push me off the plane, I felt free. It felt like the whole world had stopped. I was in absolute peace and soaked in the most beautiful view I had ever experienced.
After that moment, I felt like nothing ever would scare me anymore. I want to do so much now. I want to visit so many places, meet people, help third world countries, inspire people around me and just live life to its fullest.

To everyone out there: I challenged myself with my 100 days of happiness. Some people supported me, some people laughed, some people learnt so much from it, others were inspired. However people felt towards it, I am glad I accomplished it and I am happy that I was able to share my story with you.

I hope to touch other people's lives by all my other crazy adventures or life lessons I have learned. Because this is only the beginning of all my wild stories.

Love Tam

Tamara Meyer

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