Wednesday 7 May 2014



As the famous JT song – ‘What goes around comes around’ lyrics spin in my head, I felt that I owe you all the right to share you a few of my karma moments I have had in the past and how I strongly believe in K – A – R – M – A.

How often have you had something bad happen to you or someone has done something to hurt you and all you’ve wanted to do is get even and act out in revenge!
I have on numerous occasions! To the point where I have even recently wished karma and something bad to happen to someone that so specific that it ended up happening. (guilty) Didn’t mean for it to happen and I don’t think I have any special powers to inflict pain to someone BUT the amount of times I have done something wrong, in the end, it always comes back to bite me in the ass.

Don’t believe me?
Well let me tell you of what young Tam was like back in the day.

Growing up as a teenager, I thought I was pretty cool. I was never a bully. I was the funny, popular, weird girl who got along with everyone. I was confident in always making new friends as I was ALWAYS changing schools due to my dad’s work situation.
I never had enemies, or was rarely hated by people, but I can say that I didn’t particularly like one girl in my school. Many didn’t, particularly like Anna; she had the reputation of being a slurry. (slut in a hurry) which is what we used to call her. Sadly, because everyone else didn’t like her for her behaviour, I didn’t like her either. She wasn’t a bad person; she did shifty stuff, but wasn’t intentionally ever trying to hurt me. Until we both realised we never liked each other. We did petty little things to each other but because I was the “cool” girl, I always seemed to have everyone on my side.
We graduated high school, we both grew up and whenever we both saw each other out, we would exchange in small talk.

One night, as my best friends brother was having his 21st, Anna was there as was her boyfriend, all our friends and I.
A week or two ago, I had hung out with her boyfriend and had stayed at his house in the spare room as I somehow lost all my friends out in the city.
Anna approached me about it and asked if anything ever happened, I told her the truth and told her I just needed somewhere to crash.
The bad thing was, Anna never knew this and a lot of problems went down. She was shocked yet appreciated that I told her the truth.
Within minutes, I had gone to leave and I felt a hand grab the back of my neck and Anna had started to punch me in the face. Both of us were at each other and then hell went lose.

After that, I always had the fear of seeing her. On numerous occasions I did. We would be out and she would spit on me and say hurtful things and I eventually started to become scared of her.
3- 4 years later, I look back on the events that had occurred. Was this karma getting me back, for my high school days? Surely not?
To be honest, I truly believe it did. I was never one to hurt someone physically but words can be just as harsh as throwing a punch at someone. I believe I deserved that, I never made moves on her man but I wasn’t a nice person to her in my young years.

That was a HUGE lesson learned for me as I also started to become wary of saying anything harsh or upsetting to anyone anymore. I didn’t want to be a bitchy person, or hurt people. This incident taught me to be more honest and to not do wrong to others, or cheat your way through life.
Don’t get me wrong, I have had SO MUCH bad stuff happen to me, people have hurt me beyond the way you can imagine, the best thing I have learned is, rather than lowering yourself to that person, or react to how others would- by doing something back to them. My advice is simple.




How often do we still hold onto the past, or what someone has done to us? What’s the point of staying mad when you create so much tension in your life by doing so?
Be the better person, focus on yourself. Let KARMA do its toll because in the end, no one gets away by doing bad things.

Eventually… what goes around WILL COME AROUND.

Tam x

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