Sunday 10 November 2013

Do things happen in 3s?

Now I am not one to be superstitious but lately when I speak to friends and they have had a bad week they always refer to the term or "saying" 'Everything comes in 3's' or 
'This is the second worst thing that has happened all week, wonder what the third will be' 
I back tracked to times in my life when I had this happen to me and everything started coming back to me. I remember i broke up with an ex, then my phone got stolen and that same very week my tyres got slashed for some unknown reason. Then I thought to myself; 'Am i creating these thoughts, was i giving out to the universe negativity or the feeling that I wanted all these things to occur. Or was i only perceiving the bad and not noticing the good things in life.'

I think that is what happens to most of us. When something goes wrong, we then think EVERYTHING is happening bad to us, therefore we become sensitive to everything around us and more bad luck is recognised when otherwise, would be ignored.

So am I saying that everything that happens we imagine it ourselves?


I came across a writer who wrote the classic book: 'The Road less travelled.' People he came across who were suffering from misfortunes of life, eventually build a wall of strength and are able to handle bad circumstances better and that his patients were in better psychological form then expected.

"Peck marvels on the resilience of the human spirit to cope with life’s great challenges."
We know of the Ying and Yang

The Ying and Yang in life- has to have a good and a bad. Life as we know it, and have witnessed can NEVER always be good, nor always be bad.

This week was one of those weeks I can use as an example of how much I focused on all the bad things that happened, when really tracking back- Yes they all happened but so many good things happened too that i chose to ignore because the "bad" were more clearer and obvious, I even found myself saying: 'Everything comes in threes' Did i create that thought?

I had so many car issues this week, to the point I spent so much of my savings, yet I still had that situation turn into something good, as random people helped me out that day and all I could worry about was all the money I had lost, when really, i could've been hurt, received huge fines or not had a car at all. 
My uncle passed away too, yet I was thankful that I had such great support from my family and friends I even felt a stronger connection with my mum again.

I could go on, but the point I am getting at is: Stop seeing all that's bad, and reflect each week, all the positive things that happened in your life.

I gave it a shot:

1. I got a contract wit Nickelodeon 
2. I enjoyed my rehearsals with the Burlesque cast
3. I realised that people will help you, even if they are strangers
4. I was able to face all the bad things independently and on my own, without the help of my parents.
5. I had great company of friends during the week. (You guys know who you are)

Instantly, life wasn't so bad after all. It wasn't picking on me. It's just life as we know it. Through all of this I came across an awesome quote for thought:
"But if you had a choice of how you’d like the good and bad to come at you, how would you like it to arrive? Bad and good in equal measure throughout your life? That may be your first choice. But would that really be the best thing? Would life become a predictable dirge of frequently space out bits of rubbish?"

Think about that one, and the next time you feel that all the bad things are happening at once, look at all the good things that have happened to you.
You would be surprised. 

Happy Sunday everyone!
Start your new week fresh and positive :)

Tam xx

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