Sunday 17 November 2013

BOX HQ Raising Money For MS Australia

For most of us, a typical Sunday is a day of rest, a day of lying in bed, being able to relax from our week of hard work, or getting over our Saturday night hangover... for most of us.
On the 17th of November 2013, the crew at Box HQ proudly dedicated themselves to the '12 WODS in 12 Hours' Challenge to raise money for MS Australia, (Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia), "who are responsible for funding new and exciting research projects that are working towards a cure for MS as well as making available all the latest research information from around the world."
This organisation, really fits close to home to the owner of Box HQ: Stewart Adams. As the morning of the challenge started, Stewy thanked each and everyone of us for donating money for MS Australia and explained that he grew up with his mother have Multiple Sclerosis and how hard it was for both of them, but most of all how much he says he is a 'mummas boy' and wanted to do this for her.
What opened our hearts to all of us was when Stewy said; "Most of the time, we are not appreciated of what we have, the bodies we have and what we are capable of doing and this is him giving back to MS Australia but most of all, his mum.

I was amazed at the level of everyone's mentality and participation of the 12 Hour Challenge. Some people came from a wedding the night before or had a huge night out and only had 2 hours sleep YET their bodies were STILL able to push through doing 12 WORKOUTS of Crossfit-type training every hour on the hour from 6am-6pm. I could honestly say I didn't think it was humanly possible, the body would shut down, we wouldn't be hydrated enough and we would just pass out. I was SO wrong.

Maybe we all got through it, because of the purpose, or of the dedicated, strong, motivating coaches. The entertainer Moey, we "hired" for the day, commentating on mics, dancing around attempting to take a Zumba class. Or maybe, just maybe because, everyone who was there, WANTED to be there. We had mentally prepared our mind for the day, we believed we could, as a team rock out 12 WODS in 12 HOURS and the fact, that we had everyone supporting each other throughout the day. The smallest gesture of putting our bars and weights away for each other, the loud cheers, counting the 5000000 burpees it felt like we did and the endless supply of nutrition, snacks, reloads of lollies, nuts and the best protein shakes ever.

Stewart Adams- Box HQ Owner

Nicole and Tam
 What the community at Box HQ also appreciated was the members helping out with photography, massages throughout the day, and the MULTI-TALENTED STAFF who not only participated in the 12 Hour Challenge but also worked behind the counter, serving food and shakes, running the business and keeping everyone safe and happy.

BOX HQ Coach Clay, amazing members and awesome STAFF

We were all lucky enough as well to have Firass Dirani, give to the community at BOX HQ and participate in ALL of the WODS and impress us with his Power ranger-like moves throughout the day.
New record at Box HQ

Tam, Firass, Moey

As the night drew close to an end and everyone was discussing whether or not pizza or Lebanese food for dinner was an option, I couldn't help but notice the positive atmosphere that shared the room even when we all smelt like wet dogs working out and appearing ridiculously "good looking." We all posed for our last group photo, half smiling, half of us looking like we needed a bed...or shower, we were happy to say, we COMPLETED the '12 WODS in 12 HOURS' Challenge.
The final words as Stewy thanked each and every one of us was; "What to do next..."
What will happen next for Box HQ, who knows, something outrageous, dangerously daring yet fun- WE will all be there as a family to support one another.

Thank you each to each and everyone of you!!!

Love Tam


Monday 11 November 2013

When distance makes the heart grow fonder

I have to point out how strong my mother is. I actually can't recall the last time I had told her that, but really looking back on everything now, I wanted to write this blog based on her and my family in Brasil.

Over the years, I have been to Brasil to visit my family but the last time I went I was when I was 12 years old. I was naive and a little brat. My mum would tell me that her uncle who used to look after me, would say to her: "She is really a troubled child." I just had too much energy for one kid I think of how my mother got through the years of watching me grow up is beyond me.
 I remember I used to always write letters to my cousin Betty (when there was no facebook) I absolutely adored her, and when I spent 6weeks in Brasil, i distinctly remember her teaching me the cupping song (WAY before Pitch Perfect had done it) but with a Portugese chant and it was a lot faster. Still to this day I remember that game we played. 
 Years went by, I kept saying to mum, "We have to go back and visit." So many events had happened that either pushed us back from going or situations in life which made it hard for my mother to go back.

My mum and my grandma!

I remember when her first brother passed away, she told me she had dreamt of him going up to staircase up to a white room and she called out to him and he just turned around and smiled.
She was always strong on dreams, it was weird. When myself and my brother would fight, within seconds she had called my brother when I had stormed off in my room and asked him "What was wrong?" She just sensed something  was wrong.
She had always felt unease when her brother died but when she dreamt of him- she could finally get to sleep again. 

Another year or two went by and her dad passed away. My grandad. He reminded me so much of my little brother- he had an obsession with drawing and was fantastic at art and he LOVED Spiderman as did my brother. We would just for hours go through his collection of drawings and he would tell us stories for hours while my mum was with my grandma.

My mum never got to say goodbye.

Mum and dad went through a bad divorce which i partly think was the reason why she couldn't bear to go back to Brasil. I think she felt ashamed or couldn't face the family.

It was only a few months ago, my cousin and two of my aunties had been in contact with me on facebook and I just missed them like crazy. More now that I never get to see them and they had also told me about my Uncle, my mums other brother Alexander, he too was really sick and they didn't think he had much time to live.

I look back on everything now. Connecting the dots. So many moments where I could've packed my bags and gone to see them.
It's crazy when bad events happen in your family, it can truly re-connect everyone again. My mum hadn't spoken to her family in years. Maybe she was angry or she was hurt I don't ask, but when my Uncle Alexander was really sick, it brought the family back closer.

My Titi Patty and Uncle Alexander

I wish I could say I was able to fly to Brasil to see my family and spend time with my uncle. Unfortunately he passed away a few days ago.
It triggered something in all of us, even my brother who doesn't remember much of him. It made my mother realise that she has to go back to Brasil soon.

Maybe God had a plan. A plan to take away the burden of my Uncle and the suffering that my mum had over the years that she never got to say goodbye to her dad and brother. To tell her that it wasn't her fault and that they still loved her even if she wasn't with my dad anymore.

Distance does make the heart grow fonder, family is family no matter what. I would hate the day to come, if I ever had hate to anyone in my family over the years and I never had the chance to say goodbye to them. 

Mum myself and my brother plan on going to Brasil next year to see everyone. To my whole family in Brasil: I love you all so much. I pray everyday for your well-being and I send my blessings to my Uncle Alexander, who is with God today.
Lastly, to my mum: You are the strongest person I know and i truly look up to you. I will always support you and be there for you. I love you.


Love Tamxx

My Grandma, Tit Patty and my cousin Betty

Sunday 10 November 2013

Do things happen in 3s?

Now I am not one to be superstitious but lately when I speak to friends and they have had a bad week they always refer to the term or "saying" 'Everything comes in 3's' or 
'This is the second worst thing that has happened all week, wonder what the third will be' 
I back tracked to times in my life when I had this happen to me and everything started coming back to me. I remember i broke up with an ex, then my phone got stolen and that same very week my tyres got slashed for some unknown reason. Then I thought to myself; 'Am i creating these thoughts, was i giving out to the universe negativity or the feeling that I wanted all these things to occur. Or was i only perceiving the bad and not noticing the good things in life.'

I think that is what happens to most of us. When something goes wrong, we then think EVERYTHING is happening bad to us, therefore we become sensitive to everything around us and more bad luck is recognised when otherwise, would be ignored.

So am I saying that everything that happens we imagine it ourselves?


I came across a writer who wrote the classic book: 'The Road less travelled.' People he came across who were suffering from misfortunes of life, eventually build a wall of strength and are able to handle bad circumstances better and that his patients were in better psychological form then expected.

"Peck marvels on the resilience of the human spirit to cope with life’s great challenges."
We know of the Ying and Yang

The Ying and Yang in life- has to have a good and a bad. Life as we know it, and have witnessed can NEVER always be good, nor always be bad.

This week was one of those weeks I can use as an example of how much I focused on all the bad things that happened, when really tracking back- Yes they all happened but so many good things happened too that i chose to ignore because the "bad" were more clearer and obvious, I even found myself saying: 'Everything comes in threes' Did i create that thought?

I had so many car issues this week, to the point I spent so much of my savings, yet I still had that situation turn into something good, as random people helped me out that day and all I could worry about was all the money I had lost, when really, i could've been hurt, received huge fines or not had a car at all. 
My uncle passed away too, yet I was thankful that I had such great support from my family and friends I even felt a stronger connection with my mum again.

I could go on, but the point I am getting at is: Stop seeing all that's bad, and reflect each week, all the positive things that happened in your life.

I gave it a shot:

1. I got a contract wit Nickelodeon 
2. I enjoyed my rehearsals with the Burlesque cast
3. I realised that people will help you, even if they are strangers
4. I was able to face all the bad things independently and on my own, without the help of my parents.
5. I had great company of friends during the week. (You guys know who you are)

Instantly, life wasn't so bad after all. It wasn't picking on me. It's just life as we know it. Through all of this I came across an awesome quote for thought:
"But if you had a choice of how you’d like the good and bad to come at you, how would you like it to arrive? Bad and good in equal measure throughout your life? That may be your first choice. But would that really be the best thing? Would life become a predictable dirge of frequently space out bits of rubbish?"

Think about that one, and the next time you feel that all the bad things are happening at once, look at all the good things that have happened to you.
You would be surprised. 

Happy Sunday everyone!
Start your new week fresh and positive :)

Tam xx